Thursday, January 3, 2019

1/3 Analytical

In this weeks section of Quiet Strength, by Tony Dungy and Nathan Whitaker, Tony gets the job as head coach in Indianapolis, and immediately has great success. His first season on the job, he lead them to a 13-2 regular season record, securing the AFC south, a first round bye, and home field advantage throughout the playoffs. This is the best season Tony had ever had as a head coach, and it was surprising to see this his first season leading the colts. His god driven character comes through again when he says,
"Throughout this fantastic season, I prayed to the lord everyday, thanking him for finally allowing me to have success. I knew that this was where I was supposed to be, and the journey had finally lead me to this destination" (Dungy 253).
Image result for tony dungy prayingThis was also the first season that his team had followed him in his faith, and elected to pray together before and after every game. Tony had finally found where he belonged. His coaching staff was ready to follow him and coach their hearts out to win, and his players felt the same. This was not just a team, it was a family, and this is exactly what Tony wanted coming in. He knew he had the coaching skills to win the Superbowl, but he needed a coaching staff and players that completely bought into his system of faith and playing. To this day many people on that staff and team credit Tony for their success entirely. Before he came into Indy, it was a dreary, barely 500 team who couldn't band together and win when it really mattered. Tony immediately changed that by having team dinners and social outings to familiarize himself with the team, and help them bond as a unit. All of his efforts to bring the team together and make them feel like a family payed off when they made it to the Superbowl. Finally, a Superbowl appearance for Tony, his life long dream had almost come true, he only had to win. This was not an easy task going against a powerhouse, hard hitting bears team who had also dominated the league that year, and Tony knew it. The weeks prior, he had switched his tone with the team, they were on a mission, and they had to see that and get on board. Hard hitting, intense drills filled the practices, prayers everyday, and team dinners every night. They were truly a band of brothers, and they loved every second of those weeks prior to the Superbowl. When they finally made it to the big game, they were more than ready, and beat the bears 29-17, a decisive victory, especially in the Superbowl. After the game, they had a team prayer in the locker room, and almost everyone broke into tears. Tony's first Superbowl win as a coach could not have been more picturesque it was the best moment of his life. Image result for colts win the superbowl

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, as far as the praying is concerned, maybe people don't hear about it as much in the public, but I think there are a lot more high school and college teams that pray together before games, at least in certain parts of the country.
