Friday, January 11, 2019

1/11 vocab

This week I have read the first 72 pages of Coach, by Andrew Blauner. It is a collection of 25 writers who reflect on the coaches that made a difference in their life and why. 

Adulation (3): Excessive flattery or praise.

 Extrapolate (5): To predict or estimate something based on known information.

 Laconic (11) using very few words, brief.

Renege (13): To not fulfill a commitment.

 Aesthetic (17): Relating to beauty.

Clairvoyant (22): Seeing events in the future.

Hackneyed (31): Overused to the point it lacks significance.

Partisan (40): Strongly in favor of a person or cause.

Matriculate (47): Become a student at a college or university.

Orator (50): One who excels at speaking in public.

Image result for coach book

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