Thursday, January 10, 2019

1/10 Analytical

Image result for Tony dungy winning the ring of honorIn my readings this week, I read an article about when Tony won the ring of honor after coaching the Indianapolis colts to a Superbowl win. This is a very prestigious award, only given out to 11 people in the entire history of the NFL. Receiving a ring of honor signifies that the recipient put their all into what they did for the team, whether it was coaching or playing. A recipient of this award is somebody who never takes defeat as a loss, but as a learning experience, someone who never gets negative in times of trouble, but instead uses the adversity as a building block of success. There was many ups and downs in Tony's Indy coaching career, but he always stayed true to his team and the vision he had for them. After only 3 seasons as the head coach, Tony lead the Colts to their first Superbowl in 18 years. For the players, coaches, administration, and fans this was an accomplishment on its own, but not for Tony. His mission was to hoist that Lombardy trophy at the end of that game, and he would settle for nothing less. When he led the Colts to a decisive victory in that Superbowl, he became the first African American head coach to ever win a Superbowl, and everybody recognized the significance of this. He had made NFL, and Indianapolis history, and would be remembered forever. In his acceptance speech at the ring of honor ceremony, Dungy still stayed true to his roots, and gave his wife, his team, his fellow coaches, and god the credit for his success. He claimed that he only played a small role in a grand scheme that was destined by god for success. This is a classic Dungy line, never taking the credit for his great success, but some say this is the reason for his success. Sure the ideas were his, the players and coaches hand selected by him, and game plan always his. In Tony's eyes however, it is more about the surrounding parts than the head man. A machine cant run if one small part is broken, just like a football team cannot be successful unless everybody is on the same page. Tony was very aware of this and made sure everybody knew the plan and was ready to succeed. This is just one of the reasons that Dungy was so successful, and it was a main reason he was given the ring of honor.

1 comment:

  1. Who decides who gets this ring and why? How much do you think breaking a racial barrier contributed to him receiving this honor?
