Wednesday, January 16, 2019

1/16 Analytical

Image result for bill belichickWhile reading about NFL coaches throughout the quarter, I can say I have answered my essential questions about them. My first essential question was what does it take to be an NFL coach? I have learned that it takes a ton of time, effort, and knowledge, but it also takes another factor. It takes more than a love for the game and an insane work ethic. Sure those are great qualities to have and are essential to success in general, but the NFL is a different animal. Dealing with athletes of that caliber every week, it takes something special to consistently come out on top. In the case of Bill Belichick it is his inability to take a loss. He is so obsessed with being the best, everyone in his program must work their tail off for the team win, or they will be replaced. This is one of the reasons why he is the most decorated coach in NFL history. In Tony Dungies case it is the influence of god. Throughout his shaky early career in the NFL, he always knew that god had a master plan for him and he must be patient for gods will to come into play. Eventually he brought a great NFL team to the Superbowl and won for the city of Indianapolis. The power of the lord shown through him onto everybody else in the organization and it ignited a spark for the colts that season. To go from a meaty ocre NFL coach to a winning, dynasty creating NFL coach takes an X factor. It is different in every successful coaches story, but they all have one. This also answered another one of my essential questions, what makes an NFL coach hall of fame worthy?  My next essential question was what kind of tole being an NFL coach took on them and their families, and I have learned it is a big one. Being a coach in the highest league requires 24/7 round the clock attention. From scouting players, to coaching practice and holding team meetings everyday, to scouting other teams and watching their film, to getting the team ready to travel and play in other stadiums, their to to list is never ending. With a schedule that packed, many coaches have said that they feel like they live at the team clubhouse, not their actual home. During the season teams are constantly traveling to be in opposing cities a few days before games to prepare. This is hard on the players and coaches, but especially hard on the families of them. In Tony's book, there is a section written by his wife about how hard it is being a wife of an NFL coach. Not only because they never see them during the season, but of how unprecedented the business is. One minute the team could be doing well, winning games, the next minute you have a losing record and are fired solely because you are the head coach. There were many times when Tony had been fired and the family had been without income, and his wife claims that is the worst part.

Image result for Tony dungy

1 comment:

  1. The last part I'd like to see here is how this knowledge has impacted your career hopes.
