Friday, October 5, 2018

10/5 vocab

This past week, I finished the book, Concussion, by Jeanne Marie Laskas. (Pages 244-266) I also started the book The Concussion Repair Manual  by Dr.Dan Engle. (1-60)

Emboldened (246): Tmake bold or bolder; hearten; encourage

Ike (247): Eisenhower, Dwight David

Chiba (247): A city on SE Honshu, in central Japan, near Tokyo

Addendum (249): A thing to be added; an addition

Chapbook (249): A small book or pamphlet of popular tales, ballads, etc  

Hoopla (250): Bustling excitement or activity; commotion; hullabaloo; to-do

Doran(251):Aelectronic device for determining range and assisting navigation, employing the princ-iple of the Doppler effect.

Marginalized (256): Tplace in a position of marginal importance, influence, or power

Credible (256): Capable of being believed; believable

Seminal (257): Having possibilities of future development

Image result for concussion bookImage result for concussion bookImage result for concussion book


  1. Doesn't say the number of pages you read.

  2. if your trying to embed a link just highlight what you want to link and click the blue link tab and paste the link in the pop up
