Thursday, October 25, 2018

10/25 Analytical

This week in, The Concussion Repair Manual, by Dr. Dan Engle, I learned about a way to help the brain recover after a TBI called SPECT Imaging. SPECT imaging is a  type of nuclear imaging test that shows how blood flows to tissues and organs, more specifically the brain. It provides a 3D view of the blood flow to different brain regions, helping to identify areas of impairment. This is a highly accurate and specific test that injects radioactive substance and nuclear imaging equipment int the brain and provides a picture. These are colored pictures that highlight the parts of the brain and have problem performing functions. 

Image result for spect picturesThis is a SPECT image, that highlights the different areas of the brain. Because of the limited availability of places who will perform SPECT imaging tests, it is a very expensive rehabilitation, costing between three and five thousand dollars. Not only are these impressive images very clear and helpful in the short term, they help doctors to measure the brains recovery over time. It can also very clearly point out post concussion syndrome, and is being used to help the study of CTE. Overall the SPECTimaging Rehabilitation process is a very unique and powerful way to help locate ones areas of impairment, which can halp a patient begin a specialized plan to get healthy, or as healthy as they can be, again. I would highly suggest this to anyone who is having difficulty recovering from a TBI,  as it is very accurate and reliable.

Image result for spect picturesThis is a SPECT Imaging system, in which the patient lays in the bed and is exposed to the radioactive substance and nuclear imaging equipment.

1 comment:

  1. Good topic for a blog but a bit underdeveloped. What other relevant information can you bring in to this?
