Monday, October 1, 2018

10/1 quote

In the next 100 pages of Concussion, by Jeanne Marie Laskas, Bennett Omalu and his team of neurosurgeons finally broke through to the public and the NFL, and brought the problem of concussions to the forefront. after multiple attempts to break this information out to the public, Omalu finally had enough support to make the NFL listen to them. At a conference held in 2007, Omalu and his team presented their findings to the NFL and a group of NFL families and former players, and their findings were impossible to ignore. They presented over ten cases of former players who lost their minds, and after examination, were found to have CTE. The NFL could not ignore this problem, and admitted that there was now a problem in the NFL concerning concussions. Bennett had finally broke through to the NFL, and people were now supporting him one hundred percent.
Image result for NFL conference regarding CTE

"I hope your listening to everything that is going on out there...Everything they're finding, everything the're doing to help these guys, it's all because of you" (243).

This is a quote from the wife of former NFL star Mike Webster, who was the first player to be diagnosed with CTE. After the conference that Omalu and his team had with the NFL, people were shocked, scared, and did not know what the next move would be for the NFL. Families of former players who died from CTE were ecstatic that Omalu had finally broke through to the NFL, and that hopefully the NFL would then finally address the problem of CTE in the league. It was the first step in the right direction for the NFL, and since then there has been exceptional progress made in the fight against CTE and brain injuries.

This quote stood out to me because it is one of the first times the reader sees Omalu get recognition for all of his hard work. He had made it his life goal to expose the NFL for hiding the concussion problem, and he finally had. After months of finding good evidence, having it rejected, getting frustrated, and starting over, Bennett Omalu had finally won his case against the NFL. This goal had cost him his job, some of his friends, and his public appearance, but he knew there was a problem and his good conscious  did not let him rest until he solved it. This is a testament to Omalu's work ethic and perseverance, and a true testament to follow your dreams and make your life's work worth something.

Image result for Bennet omalu winning his case against the NFLImage result for Bennet omalu winning his case against the NFL


  1. I found it really interesting how he brought this issue to light.

  2. Would you say it's much better in the NFL now?
