Wednesday, October 10, 2018

10/10 Analytical

The book I just started called, The Concussion Repair Manual, is a very factual book that contains a lot of statistics. One stat that blew my mind was that in 2009 alone, nearly 3.5 million people received medical attention for a severe head or brain injury. This is an insane number of people that got injured, and from 2009-2012, that number rose every year.

Image result for graph showing brain injuries every year

This is a graph that shows the number of TBI's each year in different age groups. A TBI is a traumatic brain injury, and they can severely affect the evolution of the brain. When you look at the graph, you can see that there are much more TBI's in the period of brain growth than after the brain stops growing. This is very bad for the brain and many people are affected for life because of an early brain injury. As a society, we must take steps to limit the amount of child TBI's by reducing the contact in sports and educating kids on how dangerous a head injury can be.

This is a video that was taken about people who have undergone severe TBI's. One only has to watch the first minute to see how drastically one can be affected by a TBI, and it is scary to think of yourself or a loved one experiencing this. It can affect the function of ones brain so badly that they cannot speak, walk, or even see ever again. To reduce these tragic injuries from occurring, people need to realize what the outcome could be before they do something that risks their head or neck. In recent years, the yeaarly death rate due to TBI's has gone down, but only by a few hundred people per year. There needs to be a more drastic change soon made to peoples education on the importance of their their head and neck, and how they can protect it. I was also shocked to learn that a lot of TBI's occur from the military. Not even just people that see combat, but there are many TBI's that occur during bootcamp, training, and routine drills.

Image result for graph showing brain injuries every yearAs you can see from the graph, the army has a much higher total amount of TBI's, with upwards of 20,000 cases in one year. This seems concerning to me that this many people are getting debilitating injuries from trying to protect their country.

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