Monday, October 22, 2018

10/22 Quote

In the next 100 pages or so in, The Concussion Repair manual, by Dr. Dan Engle, the author continues to talk about different types of therapy for people suffering severe TBI's. After that he gets into real world examples and how dangerous sports such as football are.

"Researchers studying more than 2,500 retired, professional football players determined that players who had sustained three or more concussions were five times more likely to have been diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment than were retired players without histories of concussion" (Engle 188).

Image result for research on concussionsThis quote is a crazy stat when it comes to football, because it seems like everyone gets a concussion if they play football. Every season I play, at least a few of my teammates are forced to sit out due to a concussion or concussion symptoms. I know multiple friends who have had three or more concussions, thus taking them out of contact sports, and statistically making them much more vulnerable to CTE or future brain problems. It is crazy to me that sports such as football, MMA, boxing, and lacrosse have so many head injuries, and still have not changed the way they are played. Don't get me wrong I love all these sports, but it is ridiculous to keep putting ourselves in danger, when there are things we can do to help the problem. There needs to be more time and money put into concussion and CTE research so the public is completely clear of what it is and ho we can prevent it. It is a serious disease that affects way to many people, and affects their family even more.

Image result for research on concussions

1 comment:

  1. That I know of, I've only had one concussion, and I think it was pretty minor. However, it was in the 90s when people weren't very cautious about these types of things, and I was sent back to my single dorm room to sleep by myself after it. This was negligent on behalf of the training staff, and my mother, an nurse practitioner (nurse at the time) was very upset about it. A couple years ago a got a postcard in the mail from the NCAA saying that I was part of this huge lawsuit of everyone who'd had a concussion playing college sports in a certain time and that I'd get notified when it's settled. I guess it hasn't been yet...
