Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Quarter 1 Plan

Quarter One Plan
By Jacob Luke

For my first quarter topic I chose to research concussions and the impact they have on the brain, specifically in football. This topic is important to me because I love football. I have been playing since fifth grade, and watching my whole life. Throughout the years, many of my friends have gotten concussions and some of them have had so many they were forced to quit contact sports. Through this class I hope to learn about concussions and what the dangers are that face football players.
Image result for concussions
My essential questions for this quarter are:
1. What is a concussion and what are the long term affects?
2. Should players be worried about damaging their brain long term?
3. Should parents be worried about sending their kids out for football at a young age?
4. What steps are being taken to limit the amount of concussions and make the game safer?

Concussion, by Jeanne Marie Laskas. 266 pages

The Concussion Repair Manual, by Dr. Dan Engle. 259 pages

League of Denial, by Mark Fainaru-Wada and Steve Fairnaru. 410 pages

Image result for book wormSept 10-14, pages 1-80
Sept 17-21, pages 80-160
Sept 24-28, pages 160-240
Oct 1-5, pages 240-266

League of Denial:
Oct 1-5, pages 1-60
Oct 8-12, pages 60-140
Oct 15-19, pages 140-220
Oct 22-26, pages 220-300
Oct 29-Nov 1, pages 300-360

Quarter end Nov 2


  1. I'm sure this will be interesting. Is the money background related somehow?

  2. Interesting Jacob, I have always though about how much a helmet really helps you when your head is still stopping just as fast if you are hit hard enough.

  3. I think this a very important topic that needs more attention. My younger brothers play football and I worry about them a lot. I could be wrong but I heard some statistic that the average age of death for NFL players is in their fifties.
