Wednesday, September 26, 2018

9/26 analytical

Image result for bennet omalu and the NFLIn the latest section of the book, Concussion, by Jeanne Marie Laskas, the NFL and their true motives have shown through. Back in the 70's and 80's, football was not known to give people severe head and brain injuries, and people did not worry about it all that much. Once the late 90's- early 2000's came along, Dr. Bennett Omalu brought the subject to attention. Most people would think that the NFL would be very concerned about this because it is in regards to the players in their league. These are the players that provide the entertainment that makes the NFL so much money, so the NFL would have it in their best interest to keep them safe right? Wrong. When Omalu released the information he had about CTE and how people playing football have a severe chance of getting it, the NFL dismissed it. They told the world it was a flawed experiment and the data was invalid. This did not stop Omalu from pursuing on though. Every dead NFL player would have his brain examined by Omalu, and pretty much every player he examined had CTE.

Image result for nfl cte memeAt the release of his second paper, Omalu had over ten brains he could use as evidence, and multiple esteemed co-writers in the field of neurology. When the NFL saw this they were infuriated and attacked Oamlu publicly, calling him a fraud and all the work he does to be invalid. Even with ten brains, all football players in the NFL, all diagnosed with CTE, and many extremely esteemed doctors backing Omalu up, the NFL dismissed the case all together. This is crazy to me that the NFL would do something like this to its own players. It was released years later that the NFL had known about this and knew what Omalu was saying was true, but they didn't want to admit it because they thought it would put the NFL out of business, therefore them out of a job. These people working inside the NFL were so selfish and worried about money, that they put the lives of every player in danger, and they should be held responsible for the deaths of the players who died of CTE. Overall, the NFL is a business, and as shown by the CTE scandal, they will do whatever they can to keep making money and being successful.

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1 comment:

  1. I have heard about this! It just blows my mind that the NFL continued to deny that CTE was directly linked with football. I wonder how many lawsuits came out of this event!
