Thursday, September 20, 2018


In the book, Concussion, by Jeanne Marie Laskas, the main character, Bennet Omalu, repeatedly shows his selfless, caring attitude. Bennet Omalu is a neurosurgeon that immigrated to America from Nigeria. He came to America with little and made a successful life with a good career in the medical field. Omalu is a truly selfless person, sacrificing his well being for others on multiple occasions. In the instance of Mike Webster's brain, he shelled out thousands of dollars of his own money to figure out what happened to Mike. The morgue he was working for wouldn't pay for extensive research on Webster's brain, but Omalu knew it was necessary. He paid thousands of dollars to keep researching and testing the brain until he found what he was looking for, and finally provide closure for the family of Mike Webster.;_ylt=AwrEwVr_K6Rb60cAHHs2nIlQ?fr=yhs-Lkry-SF01&hsimp=yhs-SF01&hspart=Lkry&ei=UTF-8&p=bennet+omalu+and+mike+webster%27s+family&fr2=sp-qrw-corr-top&norw=1

 Another instance of Omalu showing his selfless character is when he helps out a woman he meets at church. This woman immigrated to the US from Nairobi, and she also has a job in the medical field. Omalu immediately takes a liking to her, and helps her out whenever he can. He takes her out to run errands, helps her get to and from work, and even lets her sleep at his house when she needs to get to work early the next morning. Bennet Omalu is a hard working man that truly cares about his contribution to society. He saw that there was something wrong with Mike Webster's brain, and he made it his mission to find out why. When he saw a struggling woman, he turned her schedule into his schedule so he could help her out. Omalu was never asked to do these things, he was even advised not to do some of these things. His selfless and attitude that he always has is a true testament to Bennet Omalu's character, and I believe he will continue to do great things.

1 comment:

  1. Does the book say if he was previously interested in concussions or American football?
