Thursday, September 20, 2018

9/20 Vocab

I am reading the book, Concussion, by Jeanne Marie Laskas. This week I read from pages 86-167.

Chronic persistent vegetative state: A disorder of consciousness in which patients with severe brain damage are in a state of partial arousal rather than true awareness. (86)

Formaldehyde: colorless, toxic, potentially carcinogenic, water-soluble gas (107)

Magnanimous: generous in forgiving an insult or injury; free from petty resentfulness or vindictiveness (107)

Idiosyncratic: pertaining to the nature of idiosyncrasy, or something peculiar to an individual (107)

Poppycock: nonsense; bosh (109)

Fabled: celebrated in fables (113)

Arbitrary: Subject to individual will or judgment without restriction; contingent solelyupon one's discretion (115)

Muse: Tthink or meditate in silence, as on some subject (114)

Neurodegenerative: Of, relating to, or being a progressive loss of neurologic functions (128)

Longitudinal: of or relating to longitude or length (128)

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