Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Quarter 2 Plan

This quarter I have chosen coaching at the highest level, particularly the NFL, as my topic. I will be reading two books about different successful coaches, compare their styles, and learn what it takes to be a coach in the NFL. I chose this topic because I love football, and I believe that one day I could be a coach, depending on how my life goes.
Image result for football coach cartoon
War Room, by Michael Holley, 346 pages

Quiet Strength, by Tony Dungy, 317 pages.

Win Forever, by Pete Carrol, 250 pages.

Image result for quiet strength page number
Image result for war room bookImage result for win forever book

My essential questions for this quarter are:
1.  What does it take to be a coach in the NFL
2.  How does one go about being a coach in the NFL
3.  What kind of tole does being a coach take on one and his family?
4.  What qualities make coaches Hall of Fame worthy?

War Room
Nov 5-9 (pages 1-90)
Nov 12-16 (pages 90-180)
Nov 19-23 (pages 180-270)
Image result for remember the titansNov 26-30 (pages 270-346)

Quiet Strength
Dec 3-7 (pages 1-90)
Dec 10-14 (pages 90-180)
Dec 17-21 (pages 180-270)
Dec 24-28 (Pages 270-317)

Win Forever
Dec 31- Jan 4 (pages 1-90)
Jan 7-11 (pages 90-180)
Jan 14-16 (multi media)

Multi Media elements:
Movie: Remember the Titans


  1. It will be neat if you do someday coach and can look back on this reading.

  2. I like the multi-media peace. great movie. I would also suggest maybe including a few other movies to go along with it.

  3. for the media piece, maybe you could have your favorite movie clip added or the trailer so people could have a visual of what the movie is based off of

  4. I think you would be such a great coach! It would be funny to compare how you thought you would become one to how you actually do become one. I think your plan is really nice and organized. I like your movie idea.
