Friday, November 2, 2018

11/2 Vocab

This week I read more articles on CTE and the effects it has on the NFL.

Ward, Joe, et al. “111 N.F.L. Brains. All But One Had C.T.E.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 25 July 2017,

McKee, Ann C., et al. Journal of Neuropathology and Experimental Neurology, U.S. National Library of Medicine, July 2009,
Kelly, Emily. “I'm the Wife of a Former N.F.L. Player. Football Destroyed His Mind.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 2 Feb. 2018,
Goldman, Tom. “Repeated Head Hits, Not Just Concussions, May Lead To A Type Of Chronic Brain Damage.” NPR, NPR, 18 Jan. 2018,
Image result for cte pictures
Fluent aphasia - a condition in which patients display little meaning in their speech even though they speak in complete sentences. 
Intracerebral — a collection of blood in the brain tissue.
Kinesthesia — The sensory awareness of body parts as they move
Acute care — the phase of managing health problems which is conducted in a hospital on patients needing medical attention.
Oligodendrocytes - a type of support cell in the brain that produces myelin, the fatty sheath that surrounds and insulates axons.
Bilateral — pertaining to both right and left sides.
Malingering — to pretend inability so as to avoid duty or work.
Disinhibition — inability to suppress (inhibit) impulsive behavior and emotions.
Occipital lobe — region in the back of the brain which processes visual information. Damage to this lobe can cause visual deficits.
Prosodic dysfunction - problems with speech intonation or inflection.

Adaptive equipment — a special device which assists in the performance of self-care, work or play/leisure activities or physical exercise.

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