Friday, December 21, 2018

12/21 vocab

This week I have read from pages 173-260 in the book, Quiet Strength, by Tony Dungy and Nathan Whitaker. 

Dividends (174): A sum of money paid to shareholders of a corporation out of earnings.

Orchestrated(175): Tarrange or manipulate, especially by means of clever or
 thorough planning or maneuvering.

Gregarious (178): Fond of the company of others; sociable.

Formality(179): Condition or quality of being formal; accordance with required or
 traditional rules, procedures, etc.;conventionality.

Intricately (182): Complex; complicated; hard to understand, work, or make.

Normalcy (190): The quality or condition of being normal, as the general economic,
 political, and social conditions of a nation; normality.

Tenure (192): The holding or possessing of anything.

Calloused (201): Made hard; hardened.

Derived (202): Treach or obtain by reasoning; deduce; infer.

Penning (219): The act of revetting or paving with small stones.

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